Daily Reflection

Hey everybody! Today was a fantastic day. Well…… to say the truth, today wasn’t that fantastic. Clarence and Josh keep getting warnings not to do things and they aren’t doing that much work. Although, Stephen and Clarence admit that Josh did make a jaw-droping(not actually jaw-droping) glogster and is doing a lot of work. Josh and Stephen also think that Clarence is doing just the right amount of work too. There is only one problem. Clarence is goofing off to much. When Clarence goofs off Josh gets in trouble too. The changes that need to be seen in our group is the order we work in. Sometimes Josh is using the computer and Clarence is just staring at the screen, or sometimes Clarence is using the computer to much and Josh get mad because Clarence won’t let him use the computer. There are many improvements and changes we need to have in our group, but I can’t explain them all. Literally!
