
I. Intro
A. Main Ideas
1. Definition of mixtures
2. Heterogeneous and Homogeneous mixtures
3. Parts of a Solution
4. Separating mixtures
5. Widely used mixtures
B. Background Knowledge
1. Matter
a. Everything and Everywhere
b. Made of atoms
(1) Atoms made of protons, neutrons, electrons
c. Mass
d. Volume
2. Elements
a. Can’t be further simplified
b. Carbon
c. Aluminum
d. Oxygen
e. Iron
3. Classifying elements
a. Metals
b. Nonmetals
4. Compounds
a. Chemical reactions
(1) Rust
(2) Mud
II. Body
A. Definition of mixtures
1. Physical Combination
2. Includes two or more things
B. Heterogeneous and Homogeneous mixtures
1. Heterogeneous=unevenly mixed
a. Cereal
b. Trail mix
c. Iron mixed with sand
d. Sugar mixed with water
2. Homogeneous=evenly mixed
a. Brownie
b. Milk
c. Jello
d. Mayonnaise
e. Hair spray
f. Gel
C. Parts of a solution
1. Solvent
a. Does dissolving
b. Carbon Dioxide
2. Solute
a. Gets dissolved
b. Oxygent
3. Colloid solution
a. smaller particles than regular solution
b. has more particles than regular solution
4. True solution
a. smaller particles than colloid solution
b. more particles than regular and colloid solution
D. Separating Mixtures
1. Filtration
a. large particles
b. use filer
2. Desalination
a. Separating salt from water
b. Use membrane
3. By hand
a. For large particles
4. Magnetism
a. Use magnet
b. Separates iron
5. Suspension
a. Settle and separate
b. within few hours
E. Widely used mixtures
1. Reinforced concrete
a. Gravel sized rocks
b. Ultra fine cement powder
c. Water
d. Sand
2. Fruit salad
a. Watermelon
b. Strawberry
c. Banana
d. Mango
III. Conclusion
A. Restate of ideas
1. Definition of mixtures
2. Heterogeneous and Homogeneous mixtures
3. Parts of a Solution
4. Separating mixtures
5. Widely used mixtures
B. Experiment
1. Separating mixtures
a. Materials
(1) Spoon
(2) Sand
(3) Iron fillings
(4) Sheet of paper
(5) Clear container
(6) Magnet

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